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Thursday, September 20, 2007


The good news is that the future of Arkansas' football team is apparently doing quite well in practice. The bad news, Mitch Mustain is now at USC. Without McFadden, where will Arkansas be next year? .500 maybe? One thing is for sure, the Hogs would be alot better off if No. 16 in red wasn't now Nathan Emert.


Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to vomit...

Anonymous said...

Too bad he couldn't do that at Arkansas against La-Monroe, SEMO, shall I go on?

Get over it. He's gone. He wasn't that great as a freshman, and although he would have improved, he decided to transfer. He never wanted to be a Hog. That's fine.

Tom Logan said...

It's only fine if you don't care about winning.

The Chief said...

What are you talking about Logan?? Isn't Casey Dick only a junior?

Mustain did what was best for him... He went to USC.

I think Mitch would have loved to be a Razorback... with a different staff in place.

jimmyg said...

If you don't like Mitch Mustain or you're not from Springdale, don't bother lecturing me on how you feel about the kid or his departure. I just don't care what you think.

However, feel free to enjoy the blog!

Anonymous said...

Everyone has a kernel of truth here. He could have been a good player with more development. Looks like he is improving. But he doesn't walk on water like a bunch of retards in this state think.

Herbstreit is not a fan. He said Saturday night that he expected Sanchez to get the job for the next two years.

Anonymous said...

I think Mustain is an ok kid. You put an 18 year old kid in that position, he's going to act like a sh!t. He just will, I'm sure I would have. But, I do have a problem with ALL of the adults involved with that. Houston, Gus, Frank, etc. The complete and utter lack of professionalism from start to finish was remarkable. In particularly, it overshadowed McFadden who I for one, get butterflies thinking about.

Johnny Fayetteville said...

I'm sure if he goes bust at USC, it will be Houston Nutt's fault.

I personally hope I never hear Mitch Mustain's name again. I'm just so sick of it.

BSR said...

Yes, we'll all want to quit hearing about a great player from Arkansas. No wonder he left.

Anonymous said...

You guys are like that loser in Swingers who cries about the chick who dumped him 2 years ago. Mitch is gone. Get a life you stalkers. What are you? Gay?

Johnny Fayetteville said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Johnny Fayetteville said...

No one is in love with Mustain. Further, no one should honestly have ill will to the kid and I'm sure most sane people wish him the best. The only difference I have with other Razorpodders is that I think it's ridiculous to think that Nutt "ran him off." Nutt is often accused of being "all about him," and "knowing he has to win games to save his job." Fair criticisms both. So, to accomplish those things, he ran off Mustain, who was obviously the most talented quarterback? It's ridiculous. I would think it would be more believable that Nutt groveled trying to get him to stay.

Reports abound from the team that very few liked him, that Malzahn played favorites with his guys, and that Mustain was a prima donna. First hand reports I have heard use different, but similar terminology. I am sure that was because he was the number one QB in the nation and is just a kid. I'm sure that the flak from teammates made him want to leave more than anything.

Either way, bringing up info that he had a good day on the SCOUT team isn't "local boy makes good" info. It's a lame attempt at trying to prove a completely different and entirely irrelevant point, and it fails miserably.

Good luck, Mustain. Hope you win the Heisman. But until you play a real snap at another school, can we please MOVE ON?

Edith said...

I'm with Johnny Fayetteville, I hope Mustain does well and I really don't think he's been 'tested' at all what's the point of bringing's like Joey from Friends's a moo a cows opionion, doesn't matter...Mustain gone...NEXT.