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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Kicking Woes

The more information I get on Alex Tejada, the more I wonder if he is more hype than substance. 7 of 17 last year for Springdale. Admittedly, many of those were from deep (7 of 10 misses from 47 or more yards), and the article doesn't say where his makes were on the field. Like all kickers, guess it's best to reserve judgment. But if he can't beat out Jeremy Davis we're in for another long year in the kicking department.

This is an odd quote from Nutt:

“ We weren’t done with practice yet and Alex had made a few in a row, ” Nutt said. “ Coach [Chris ] Vaughn said to him, ‘ nice job. ’ Most freshmen would have said something back or said thank you but not Alex. He just stared right through him. Alex has that Tiger Woods focus and I like that, especially from a kicker. ”

I don't really know what Nutt's talking about, but that's nothing new.

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