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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Razorpod Game Predictions - Week 5

The crew's picks for this week's Arkansas game, the national games, and the sleeper game with guest analyst, Big Red's picks included:

PW - Ky, OU, UGa, LSU, UA, Va. Tech

JF - Ky, OU, UGa, LSU, UA, OK State

TL - SC, OU, Tenn., LSU, UA, Wisconsin

JG - SC, OU, Tenn., Fla., UA, Wazzu

Buford - Ky, OU, UGa, LSU, UA, Nebraska
Big Red - SC, OU, Tenn., LSU, UA, ND


Born Red said...

I think Buford is dead-on. I'm piggybacking his picks this week.

The Chief said...

start posting your win-loss record your picks