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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Should He Stay Or Should He Go?

There are as many stories about whether or not Houston Nutt is going to return as the head coach of the Razorbacks that you can get confused. Since it's my role on the show to be a homer, I'll attach one from The Sporting News that says he's staying.

Whatever happens, I hope the University realizes that this is a very important hire/fire situation. A misstep could be felt for a decade. Lets all be careful what we wish for. The Callahan/Coach O factor could rear its ugly head. I'm just sayin' . . .

By the way, the story on Butch Davis is he's getting an extension to $3.2 million per year for 5 years and expedited expansion of the stadium. That could play a factor, as he is expected to have to make a decision before Friday.


Born Red said...

The problem with the Callahan scenario isn't that they fired Solich. It's that the Husker AD had his head up his a** as he went through the coaching search. He couldn't get Dave Wannstedt (terrible), couldn't get HDN (terrible), and so settled on Callahan (terrible). He wanted his own guy and tried to make a big change where only minor changes were needed.

Johnny Fayetteville said...

Trey Biddy just stated on DTS that his best sources say that Houston Nutt will NOT resign. That to get rid of him, the UA will have to fire him.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Houston is the best, but he's certainly better than we can get in this environment. Regardless of whether he's here next year or not, we're going to get whipped from Austin to Columbia in '08. I don't know about anyone else, but I for one can't wait to support the Hogs by ripping some urinals off of restroom walls on 6th street next year.

BUT, he is fun to make fun of... he cries, he laughs, he boasts, and places blame. It might be a good idea for him to get a PR person at his next job so he doesn't alienate half of the fan base by not shaking their hands at regional booster clubs. I wish that same Nutt-inspired passion could be used for other things. For instance, something meaningful like an unjust war, or propping up totalitarian governments... some great things could really happen.
-Big Red

Anonymous said...

If I thought for one second that any hire we made would be better than Houston, I would be all for it. But I don't, so we should probably keep him.