With the (real) opening of college football today, its probably a good time to make official what was probably obvious: Razorpod is retiring from regular podcasts. It's been a good run. Most of you know we've been pretty regular during football season since about 2004. That's a pretty good standard for podcasts, much less one run by four mostly drunk 40-somethings with kids, careers, and mortgages. Even with switching tech about 50 times during the run, we mostly got shows out every week.
Bottom line, to quote Tom Brady, we all have a lot of shit going on. It's just gotten harder and harder to make this work. We've had some great times, and hey, we might get the crew back together once life settles down a bit. I've got a freshman at the UA now, and we'll be going to more games and out of pocket more. It just feels like the right time to let the pod go.
I'll probably keep the blog and twitter account going, and post Hog thoughts from time to time. I'll check the Mail Bag some but probably not every week or even every month. We'll probably still post our bowl contest for y'all.
In the meantime, and until we meet again, HIT THAT LINE. Go Hogs, Beat Cincy!
In Hog We Trust,
Patrick Williams
I could kinda tell from the last 2 years that life was getting busy for y'all and was wondering when the end would come. I haven't missed an episode since I discovered you in 2010. Thank you for all the effort you guys put unto this production. Gonna miss the insight. WPS
Sad to hear but also not surprised. Love the banter when all four are participating but it became less and less. I will miss the show. There is no replacement.
I have enjoyed every episode even the technical difficulties. I go all the way back to the beginning. Thanks for all the team did. Enjoy life and Razorback football!
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